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Shawn M. Velez, D.D.S.

Shawn M. Velez, D.D.S.

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Welcome to Our Office

Thank you for selecting the office of Dr. Shawn M. Velez.  Dr. Velez is a specialist in conventional and microsurgical endodontics, dedicated to providing exceptional treatment in a pleasant and relaxed environment.

As of May 3, 2012 Dr. Velez received his certification and is a Board Certified Endodontist and a Diplomate of the American Boards of Endodontics. Only 2 out of 10 Endodontist are Board-Certified nationally, making Dr.Velez one of only a few Board-Certified Endodontist in the CSRA.

Patient education is very important to us. We will make every effort to fully explain the procedures, the risks and benefits involved as well as any alternatives. Our ultimate goal is a happy, pain-free patient. We believe that taking the time to explain the treatment will help alleviate some of the fear and anxiety traditionally associated with endodontic treatment.

Mission Statment

Our Mission is to provide quality care in a state of the art facility with sincerity and a caring attitude from each one of our team members.

The Experience

Our practice provides the highest quality of endodontic treatment available to the dental profession.

• All of our care is delivered with the aid of a powerful Surgical Operating Microscope which allows the endodontist maximum visual control in a remarkably precise manner.  With this technology we are able to  completely treat and more accurately diagnose many complex situations.
• We utilize an advanced Digital Radiography System in place of conventional dental x-rays, which minimizes the radiation exposure to our patients and improves diagnostic capabilities.  This technology also eliminates environmental exposure of the hazardous byproducts of x-ray film developing. 
• Our sterilization procedures utilize the Dental Thermal Disinfector System in combination with state of the art dental autoclaves.  These two systems clean and sterilize our instruments at a level not easily obtainable by traditional methods and are strictly monitored to be in compliance with the highest levels of infection control.
• We treat all of our waterlines and the water that flows through our handpieces with a product called Sterilox.  This is an oxidizing agent that kills bacteria and prevents biofilm from accumulating in the waterlines, which results in water purity that exceeds the stringent requirements set forth by the American Dental Association and The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
• We utilize The Digital Office program as an added convenience for both our patients and referring doctors.  Registration through this website saves our patients time by eliminating lengthy paperwork at the time of treatment.  Physical and electronic security measures assure the privacy of your personal data.  Please contact our office for more details and instructions.

20 Tea Olive Ct.
Aiken, SC 29803